My Audio Player Contribution

PS… ugh, I’m starting to hate photoshop… for about two weeks I did all my drawing in flash, and then I went back to photoshop… it sucked so much!!

and soulty, I noticed that site was made by 2advanced… they’re awesome…

not to mention too advanced… LOL

I don’t see what people notice about them that makes them TOO advanced?

That’s almost like they are saying… We are too advanced for you… SO BLAH!.. Wlel yeha to some… But sure as hell not me :stuck_out_tongue:

lol… sorry… Rant n Rave

think the site was made by pixel ranger who works for 2advanced.

2advanced is good, but i think they are possibly not too advanced anymore, when they first came out, they created some of the best sites. They still do , dnt get me wrong, its just that they there name now is labeled as quality , so its not as advanced as it use to be, its about quality.


::: what problems are you having with flash to photoshop raf?

well… for one… I want to create a circle OUTLINE… just an OUTLINE… without having to do a mask…

it’s annoying…

in photoshop? if in photoshop, you make a selection with your circular selection and then go to edit / stroke and you have a option box that comes up asking what px the size of the stroke and what colour and where do you want to the stroke (inside the selection, middle selection or outside the selection)

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


I handn’t thought about that…

tsk tsk… you shouldn’t have answered that question… you should have just said “I dont know!”


Cause you’re going to get a thousand PMs from me regarding photoshop now…


i dont mind, iam pretty solid with photoshop, at collage i was walking around helping people cause the teacher was hardly there, so i was like the teacher.

Pretty funny cause when the teacher was there, people sometimes still called out my name for help when the teacher was there doing nothing, lol
