My castle

Hello to you all.

I just dared to give it a try, because I would very likely become a member of Kirupaville. You may forgive me my “oldfashioned” choice. Somehow I am addicted to such topics. Above this it is not perfect I think, but maybe good enough. Otherwise I would be glad about some advice how to improve my work.

Thank you for taking a look.
Best Regards


Really nice, and welcome to the forums btw! I will have this added to kVille by Monday!

EDIT: This reminds me of a combination of a stronghold/keep used by the red team in WarCraft II!

Hehe, thanx a lot!

It´s an RPG, isn´t it? I saw WOW I once or twice. Looked nice. WOW II I didn´t see yet. Anyway I am always attracted by the “old” items - old buildings, old cars, old watches, used-looking things sometimes. I don´t know why. Maybe it´s just as I said, in some way I´m a little bit oldfashioned =)

Have a great day guys!