my name is carrumbus
I am a long time reader and first time poster
and i have a problem
I apologize in advance if this question to too simple and ridiculous for your brilliant minds:crazy:
It’s very basic action script, but i cant figure out why it’s not working
Basically, i have an empty stage, but for 2 objects
a custom cursor (using the onclipevent mouse move, cursor hide, startdrag etc)
and a movie clip of a little man (stick figure for now)
all i want to do is, when i bring the cursor to the man and hold down on him, the cursor will goto frame 2, which will make it appear that the man i sitting on the cursor. at the same time the man symbol will be invisible and draggable. so that when i release the drag, the man will be put down somewhere else.
(effectively the man hitches a ride on the cursor)
but this will just not work the way i like.
[]the cursor goes to frame 2 nomatter where i click:h:
[]man man symbol either drags when i’m not clicking on him, or doesnt drag at all:h:
[]if i simply click without dragging, the man symbol will move to that point:h:
[]and my cat keeps walking on my keyboard! (that has nothing to do with it):drool:[/LIST]i have tried several things like switching the man movieclip to a button
or other draggin methods, but none have worked yet (i think the problem is dragging 2 things at once(cursor and invisible man instance))
I would really appreciate all help you people can give me through this difficult time
I am using flash MX
I have 2 big books on action script that wont listen to me
and I am just a small boy with big dreams:crazy:
Thanks for tollerating this silly post