My first real work in Photoshop 7!

This is an image i just finished. Been working on it all class. Opinions please!

<a href=“”>Click here</a> to see my image.:cool:


Pretty cool…Hwever I think if you lighten it up a lil bit to enhance some of the other shades of green it would be awesome. But it does look nice and abstract. thumbs up.

added some lightness using a smokelike effect. Still have the origional so I can still change it back.:slight_smile:

<a href=“”>Here it is</a>

That looks better however the smoke looks kinda grainy maybe use an adjustment mode or layer. The smoke took from the quality probably because you had to drop the quality to post. But other than that it looks cool. lighter.

i would take the fog out and brighten it

okay, i brightened it up and removed the fog/smoke. I think the quality is messed up, if so then please tell me.:slight_smile:

<a href=“”>IMAGE</a>

I like it, its cool :beam:

How about putting some typograhphy into it to enhance it? Careful you keep the style though :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s: