This has happend to me in the past before, a .fla gets corrupt or a .fla will randomly disapear. Today was the worst case of it ever, after having the premonition yesterday that my files were gonna go whacky I backed up my main .fla in the same directory. (checkout-backup.fla) While working in checkout.fla today I get a msg saying I cant save it and that it is read only, I say hmm, well I saved not that long ago I’ll just quit flash and re-open. wrong… The file is gone, everything else is there but the .fla I was working with AND the backup which wasn’t even open. This has to be a bad joke because that particular .fla has taken me about 3 weeks to code.
All of my files are stored on my department’s server and I have engineers trying to retrieve the lost file but they said there’s a good chance it is gone. How the hell could this of happend and how can I prevent it in the future…