Hello everyone,
I am new but you all seem pretty nice from the posts that I’ve seen. I am a nooby at Flash and need some help with this project that I was given at work. I will list the details of the project below:
Create a Flash presentation that a user (on a browser) could press a button and navigate through scrolling objects. Upon hovering over the object information will pop up in a info bubble. Also upon hovering over an object, the table and gauge to the side will also change in proportion to the object hovered over.
Here is what I have done so far and what I can’t figure out:
-Anchored background - done
-Objects slide across the screen (no interaction) -done —>I just made them motion tweens though which I’ve found are rather hard to work with becuase I can’t manipulate them well with actionscript.
-User able to control the sliding objects (through arrows/keyboard events) - not done
-Table/guage changes on the hovering over of the object - not done
-Information pops up on the hovering over of an object - not done
Right now I am having trouble with making the user be able to make all the objects slide across the screen at the same time with ONE button click. I can make it so that when you click the object it slides over however man pixels, but what i want is that the uder clicks an arrow and all of the objects slide over x amount of pixels.
If anyone is interested in helping me I’d really appreciate it! You can msg me here or email me at Josh@knotordinary.com . Or just reply to this post, also if you want to see what I have so far let me know and I will email it to you.