Here is most of my flash work that i can find anyway…
[color=red]In order of latest stuff 1st[/color]
[color=black]1.My latest experiment .:WhipCream:. [/color]
2.The entergate to the last version of my site .:Crystalist:.
3.My sig snowyized from your snow tutorial .:Snow Sig:. [color=blue]Top Tutorial by the way that really helped me with my action script cheers :P[/color]
[color=darkorange]Ok these nxt 2 are my first ever and they were intended to be funny especialy the hotdog lol… and these were before the time i learnt preloaders so don’t laugh :P[/color]
[color=#ff8c00]Dancing Hot Dog[/color]
[color=#ff8c00]Counter-Terrorist Pig[/color]