My Kirupian Idols

Hello all. Some of you know me, some of you don’t. I know a who bunch of people on the Kirupa forums, but here is a list of my favorites:

Darkmotion- Amazing vector work, very funny

CreationsCentre- Awesome pixel art

doctor_funk- Great advice. Helps out others.

ø- Dunno, he’s just cool…i guess.

Hybrid101- Always there to answer a question

Seb Hughes- Genius. Of life.

Fl4SH’ER- Always a great help. Especially when it comes to telling me when my work is crap… thanks.

DDD- Well, lets just say that magical things happen with DDD

And last…

.harish- He brought me here.

Thanks everyone for your help so far. I hope we will continue to do stuff…
