erm. squid. SQUID.
you can have nachos tool, anything for tool. (-:
hmmm, what would the hawaiian equiv of nachos be…
maybe dried squid.
Ono grinds.
yay, I like the sound of “anything for Tool”
although it makes me wonder whether it means me or the band… :sigh:
lol one of the funniest things I have seen from Beavis and Butthead is in the Do America movie when he talks to the old lady about “playing the slots” in Las Vegas… ahahaha where’d you get that pic?
google image search for cornholio.
will someone make a smiley with a taco on his head
taco or tako?
and then make more people crowding around the smiley’s head drooling over the taco
ok. will he be happy about this tako or sad?
puff puff
Dammit You bastards hijacked my thread!v
yeah this happened to me as well before beer…
It’s definitely golgi’s randomness that does it. And people catch on to the randomness as well! I had one of my threads deleted because golgi and orangeone turned it into spam!
But it was funny spam
I think he should be happy about it… I mean who doesn’t want a taco on his head??
RussianBeer, We’re jsut keeping this at the top for you bud. We do it all for you.
oh no! tool, which one was that? im sorry. pulling out the duct tape
It was my “Pixel Explosion Tutorial” one where we started talking about E.V.I.L and colours etc
people people please, don’t high-jack the high-jacked thread. We’re talkign about taco-heads here.