My little -no preloader- movie

crap! that was an important thread! oh NO!

eh it doesn’t matter… but yes important in terms of when E.V.I.L begun muhhahaha

Ok sorry - back to taco heads, definitely would be happy with a taco on his head… about as happy as Homer would be I can imagine.

haha!! awesome! :beam:

Thanks golgi :love:

i hope it sok

<< worried look

you can’t see “tool” very well


It looks good :). Thanks. Yeah you can’t see “Tool” very well but with an image that small it would be hard to make out any text.

How can I make it transparent so it won’t have a white background if I put it in my avatar?

*Originally posted by EthanM *
**will someone make a smiley with a taco on his head **

*Originally posted by TOOL *
**How can I make it transparent so it won’t have a white background if I put it in my avatar? **

it is transparent oh metaliest of tools! :wink:

hehe but when I copy it or save the picture and then put it over my avatar, there’s this white background - that shouldn’t happen if it’s transparent right?

reGolgi your site is blocked by my internet provider, I can’t see the taco head!

wtf??? that weird. grr. so you cant see my av or anything? ok. ill stick it somewhere else

edit: not av. duh. footer i meant. footer. footer.

I can see it. Very nice :slight_smile: Is smiley whistling? It kinda looks like he is but I’m not too sure…

I can see your av and your footer but not he image to the right of your footer.

I see it now, beautiful!

:beam: cool!

that is the image to the right of my footer. how weird. why would that happen?

*Originally posted by TOOL *
**I can see it. Very nice :slight_smile: Is smiley whistling? It kinda looks like he is but I’m not too sure… **

he wasn’t sposed to be whistling, hes kinda just, exclaiming, at the big taco on his head. but, its ok, maybe he is whistling… heheh :wink:

I can just picture the smiley walking down the street with the taco/tako (?) on its head whistling away while people just stare in a dazed look…

hey golgi, how can I put pixeltool on to my existing avatar without having a white background around pixeltool?

sooooo what was that movie about?
and what was with that one-person spam golgi?

i dunno why he’s white. i made him transparent. :frowning:
i jsut tried savign as as well, and it was still transparent. all i can say is upload him and then stick him in your footer with