My little -no preloader- movie

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**sooooo what was that movie about?
and what was with that one-person spam golgi? **

movie? what movie? wish my name was spamNinja

When I save it I can only save it as a bmpā€¦ would that be a problem?

ā€œā€¦then stick him in your footer with Xā€

^ confused


I think it was about wanting to live in a memory of his girl. Iā€™m guessing they are no longer together or are far apart and he feels like he has a memory that consoles him.

and redGolgi has a problem, but weā€™re working through it.

that one person spam was pixel me, unless you are referring to golgiā€™s one person spam on page 1?

*Originally posted by EthanM *

I think it was about wanting to live in a memory of his girl. Iā€™m guessing they are no longer together or are far apart and he feels like he has a memory that consoles him.

and redGolgi has a problem, but weā€™re working through it. **
thanks for the heads-up. wrt reGolgiā€¦ you should get her some help. single person spam (a la page 1) is really boring :wink:

hahahahahhahhahahahahahhahahaha. crap. i went to shwo you the code, and i forgot, that if i just put in the code, it would think there was a pictureā€¦ duhā€¦ i meant, stick him in with [ IMG ] url.blahblah [/ IMG ]

and you have to save him as a gif or else he wont be transparent anymore :beam:


OMG ETHAN! i love your footer!!! wee!!

But I canā€™t save him as a gif. It only gives me the bmp option :frowning:

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**unsubscribes **

oh no keanu, you canā€™t do that :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by TOOL *
**But I canā€™t save him as a gif. It only gives me the bmp option :frowning: **

link here

[edit]duh. wait. ill email him to you. one sec [/edit]

redGolgiā€¦ Hope you donā€™t mind I borrowed your taco.

uh oh, someone sounds a little frustrated due to my stupidity :frowning:

Well when I right click that and ā€œSave Image Asā€¦ā€ it only gives me bitmap option as wellā€¦

your not stupid tool! your computer is! not to worry, i sent him to you. check yoru mail :beam:

Thanks. I checked itā€¦ Clicked the attachment in Hotmail so it goes to that scan screenā€¦ No viruses so I click Download but it opens in a new browser instead of asking me if I want to save it to disk! grrrrrr :angry:

tool, if you werent in australia id drive over there andā€¦

kick your computer
are you on MSN? if so, hit me with a messageā€¦

my s/n is beebopdeediddlydopdog @ inpro . net
minus the spaces

grumble brumble