My miny robot

After seeing all the games in the recent contest I realized this little animation of mine is not much, but I’ve created this much so far. Tell me what you think.

Dont put urslef down! ok there’s not much there, but those leg movements are excellent. i know how tricky that can be. that flows really well. have a lolly.

Thanks. I modified it now and added more stuff. There is no break up between the legs and main body now, and more firing.

having fun :slight_smile: nice robot thing going on…peace

yay Robot will take control over the world… lol

Hey Anwiya. Your work made me smile :slight_smile: It’s nice, just keep working with it!


I promise that if this thing ever becomes a real robot, you can all go on a ride. :stuck_out_tongue:

I added more stuff again, beware however, that includes one piece of sound! I’m also saving the previous updates to view the changes, unfortunately, I lost the first one that I showed everyone.

Version 3 [COLOR=Red]***[/COLOR]

Version 2

Yaay! :wink: :smiley:

Too bad neither of the links work :frowning:


Nooo! His arm! :frowning:

Keep on going at it man, it’s improving :smiley:

I like it! Keep up the good work! :slight_smile: (I like the explosion that blows off his arm)

Ya i like it to and i could probably never do somthin that good, mine would be stick figures

Thanks guys. I dont know if any of you have ever seen the cartoon Gundam Wing, but it features these giant robots (Gundams) kind of like mine. I got the “arm” idea from one of the robots in the show that broke its arm off intentionally to lighten its own weight, and gain speed. I’m trying to use the same idea, I’ll try to make it more obvious in the next addition.

nifty :slight_smile: