I love my mother very much, we are very very close. For the most part she is mad cool, I can tell her just about anything. i.e. girls, personal problems, what I did last night, bla bla bla.
She hates my tattoos!
I mean hates like if she looks at them she gets upset. I don’t have anything bad or anything, but she thinks I am deforming my body. :lol:
So I got the rest of my arm sleeved the other night. From my shoulder to my elbow is completey covered, and most of the inner arm as well. My shoulders are both tattooed and so is my left leg.
She flipped out, like really flipped out when she say the latest one. I feel really bad, but it’s my body and I love tatooes. Anyway, weve been arguing over this for the past 2 days, and I feel bad.
Why do older people hate tattooes so much for? When/if I have a kid, I won’t mind as long as he/she is old enough.