Well, I am a rather low on holiday spending funds, and have to get my friend up north (Canadian Meaghan) a present. I’m REALLY bad at meeting these deadlines and such. But for my last birthday, she sent me a photo-album with pictures of canada and stuff, areas she thinks are important. Well, being that I love to create (and have no camara of my own :P), I decided to make her a personal map of my small town, Red Bluff.
After a couple hours of drawing, I decided I didn’t like it much and could do things much better in flash.
Now things aren’t perfect, and are far from finished, but so far, this is my neighborhood (I figure I will get the neighborhood done by Christmas, and then add on to the map when I get time, splitting areas up into various regions of the town. This may seem like a large task, but my town, Red Bluff, is REALLY quite small.)
So, without further ado, here is my town Well at least my neighborhood
Some notes:
the controller up top controls movement of the map using the dpad. The start button brings up options (right now all there is is to change scroll speed).
I have no idea what to use the other buttons for.
Some of the houses have pop-up bubbles. These will later say things, but for now are largely unfinished.
So, let me know what you think!
Oh, and this is mainly through my eyes and memory; no fact checking of any kind has been done