Im making a new pixel website with online pixel chat community. The website is made it’s called Pixelopolis. I need the following people to help me and i will pay you with the game money because i spent some money on the program and others.
Staff-*** For helping new users that are lost and do not know where to go.
***Moderators-***For users that don’t follow the rules and bully others(banning & inspectiing)
Pixel Artist- This category comes in different groups designing people, buildings and the rooms just so that they can all be added quicker. When mailing could you please include what type of pixel job you want with an example of your pixel art.
Java, C+± Probaly the most important job throught this project. You should of had up to 1-2years experience with C++ or lingo/java game programming.
***Ads-***We need a few people that can advetise this site on other sites or make a website and advertise this website.
If you want one of these jobs
Please mail me at [email protected]