My new on it

this is my new footer…i am thinking that i might wanna use it…tell me what you think

[swf=“ height=50 width=250”][/swf]

1: horrible…
2: meh…its ok.
3: groovy!
4: pretty rad!!
5: thats the sweetest thing ever!!!

5, execpt u cant beat it, lol :wink: make it easier

i was thinking about making it possible…so yeah…i will!!!

it is now officially beatable…good luck!!!

lol, YAY;):slight_smile:

i hope i get a good rating on it

how do you beat it? i can’t figure it out…

start off at the bottom right corner…and keep on the bottom and go across to the left…and you should win!!!

oh ok, now i won, thanks.

by the way, that’s a pretty cool footer. neat idea of putting a game inside the footer. i really like it.

thanks…vote in the polll!!!

So. . . .you coded this yourself?

i didnt use a lot actionscript…im not very good with action script…its all just buttons and different key frames

A lot of buttons and different keyframes, you had to script some A.I. to have the computer decide where to pick.

Nevermind, I figured out that you probably made the boxes buttons that make the movie go to a certain keyframe and the computer already has a set location.

yeah…thats it…