My new game - check it out

here’s a game i created a few days ago. i wanted to figure out how to give random motion to an enemy and to allow the enemy to figure out where you were when it was a certain distance away and then follow you. hope you guys like it!

[swf=“ height = 300 width = 300”][/swf]

the object is to evade all the orange guys. use the arrow keys to control the blue guy and space for boost. once the timer reaches zero then you move on to the next level which has a smaller playing feild (making it more difficult to evade the orange guys) have fun :slight_smile:


thanks jubba :slight_smile: what level did you get to? i could only manage to get to level 4 :o

2 lol

yay! i made it to level 5:) lol!

Sweet. But I could use a turbo boost! (-:

yea, i was thinking of adding power ups…

i was thinking of suggesting it. :slight_smile:

there should be some cool power-ups. like speed. maybe some sort of gun or ability to kill them on contact where they try to get away… (kind of like a pac-man kinda thingy…)


hey that’s a great idea… have to figure out how to make them run away though :slight_smile: thanks for the suggestion!!!

nice job!

well, i added boost but for some reason you cant turn right while pressing boost… maybe someone can help, here’s the script i used:

[AS]this.ang += (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) ? -0.2 : (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) ? 0.2 : 0;
if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE) && boost._xscale>1) {
this.speed = 2;
} else {
this.speed = (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) ? 1 : (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) ? -0.5 : this.speed=0;

next, shooting or invincibility… :slight_smile:

Nice and simple, I like that :slight_smile:

can anyone help with the control problem?

it seemed to turn fine for me… what was the problem you were having

you can’t turn right when using boost and up… so you have to let go of up to turn right while using boost (space bar). i want it so that you dont have to let go of up. also, for some reason you can turn left, but not right… makes sense?

WOW this is great, i only got up to level 5…

great job!

thanks :slight_smile: i got up to 5 as well :wink:

could you tell me how to make such a follower KI ?

are you familiar with actionscript? if not, you may want to ask me a little later because it gets quite involved. if you just want the fla here’s just the ultra basic form -> no duplicate MC(just 1 bad guy) or any game aspect. for you to look through and experiment with, have fun;)…

by the way, welcome to the forums!

mmh i am fimilar with as, but not with maths :]
thx anyway