Well heres a kewl wallpaper i amde from 3 images i found on the net and made it into one huge wallpaper for my dual monitors hope you guys like it if you want a copy let me know so i can post the psd file on my site :thumb:
That’s cool, I love transformers. Please post the PSD file. =)
hey you, your server’s down?
its not down i just havent been able to post it yet but now its online download the psd along with the original jpgs in one file by clicking on the link below
enjoy and make some other kewl wallpapers :beam:
i love it! i just edited it for my desktop and installed it as my new
wallpaper. excellent! :thumb:
can u post eh changes made if any or did you just resize it?? curious
i made a 1024x768 version if anyone is interested in getting this file let me know as well heres a sample of what it looks like :beam:
i just resized it
Oh ok was jsut curious to see if ya made any improvements i wanted to add the autobots and decepticons logo but i couldnt find any decent versions out on the net so i jsut used the text
I just resized it and messed with the levels a bit to make it look better, man I love this wallpaper. Thanks :thumb:
gee i didnt know you guys would like it that much lol, well props go out to Pat Lee which is teh guy that does the drawings on the Comic book which is aweseom may i say :thumb: