My site done... in progress

here is my new blog, finally done… i think. At least i have been adding things to it every day. I have had fun with it. You can check it out

here is a few of the days that were sort of cool.

guy from fallout boy getting tasered in the back:

project i did for pontiac:

there are some other thinks worth looking at, let me know what you think

Looks pretty good man, remind me to kick you in the nuts if I see you in the Merch Mart =)

design looks good and I like the pics, I prefer pic blogs to tons and tons of text

by the way the calendar menu is cool and very well done, like it :thumb:

zao, how did you know that is where i am based out of? well hope i dont run into you then:)

you just need comments.

i dont want to put comments, because then i have to watch them unless it is something people have to sign up for. I just dont feel like it is worth it. I end up getting a bunch of people just sending emails through that side form and we use them for some of the radio show stuff.

I walk by the radio station every day on my way to class, pretty neat that you work there.

Well its a pretty Cool site dude. Picutres are good and the txt in reference with the pic, carries along smoothly. Good Work !!!

well then Zao if you ever want to see the station shoot me an email.