My Site

Ay guyz can you guy gib me a comment about my flash begining skill. I developed a site give me a say. LOL i learn all that frm here belived or not.C:-) :alien:

I moved your site down here. I’m not really sure why you posted it in the pixel people thread… you will get the comments you want in this section.

is the site even up? 'cause I can’t connect.

It is pretty nice. I would not use that vote script though, I think it is annoying to some visitors.

its needs work.

Vote for what? I don’t understand what this site has to offer me, and I’m certainly not going to vote for something I have no information on. Furthermore, the alert dialog that pops when ones clicks enter borders on obnoxious. Let people go where they want to unfettered, or don’t provide a link to it.


am I the only one that cant connect to this site?

I went here:

funnily enough, so did i :stuck_out_tongue: “Cannot find server”

not that I really care, but it’d be good if someone could post where the .tk is redirected from?

I needs a lot of work.

*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**I needs a lot of work. **



Ok I was going to give a serious critique of the site, but that annoying vote popup wouldn’t let me go pass the splash page so I left.

From what I see so far, the site needs a lot or work. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol… well i finally got it working… and what for? a stupid site thats simply trying to score hits on some crappy top 100 “sh*tty sites that piss you off” list? no thanks.

*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**I needs a lot of work. **


okie for you that cant get in try
sorry about the annoying voting ****… it nathing… havnt had time to remove it in da firstplace.

oh, we can get in now… we just dont want to get spammed by pop-ups

your site is very very nice… LOVE IT!!!