My Spinning Globe


I finally figured out how to make the globe in a time-efficient way. Before looking into how to create a globe, I did the original one completely myself without any idea that I was doing it wrong. I was totally ignorant and did it frame by frame without any tweens and it took DAYS! But then after all of the negative criticism, I did some studying and re-made the whole thing. I can’t figure out why it speeds up like that though. Can you help?

It’s still terrible. There’s no perspective at all. :td:

I second that motion.

//That was intended a compliment. I apologize for not having anything useful ton contribute, whatsoever.

Wow, the number of negative comments in this thread are amazing. Just ignore the guys here who care only enough to type out a sentence or two that don’t actually even help you in the end.

Everyone learns differently, and I’m not sure about you Lyraka, but I don’t like to read a crap load of text if I don’t have to. I like tutorials with (more or less) just steps on how to do something with explanation on why it works. For that reason, if you’re a learner like me I don’t suggest books.

As many have said in this thread, you should look at AS3. If you’re just starting flash you should definitely shoot for AS3 because it’s a lot faster, and more efficient. I’m sure if you have problems finding tutorials/articles/books on a specific subject that the people here will be willing to help. Just take it one step at a time.

I’m interested in this project, and so I’ll be checking back to see if you need any help :smiley:

[quote=RonH;2327387]Wow, the number of negative comments in this thread are amazing. Just ignore the guys here who care only enough to type out a sentence or two that don’t actually even help you in the end.

Everyone learns differently, and I’m not sure about you Lyraka, but I don’t like to read a crap load of text if I don’t have to. I like tutorials with (more or less) just steps on how to do something with explanation on why it works. For that reason, if you’re a learner like me I don’t suggest books.

As many have said in this thread, you should look at AS3. If you’re just starting flash you should definitely shoot for AS3 because it’s a lot faster, and more efficient.

Shooting for the stars is great, but from my experiences in learning myself, it’s not the best way. It seems you’re pretty serious about this, and if you’re lucky enough to have nothing but time on your hands I suggest you take a dive into nothing but concentrated learning about how some of those things work. There are articles online about many of the things that you want/need to know. I’m sure if you have problems finding tutorials/articles/books on a specific subject that the people here will be willing to help. Just take it one step at a time.

As for your site:
-I think it’s great that you’ve got your own domain, and a site up. I remember the first time I tried to do that it was hard, you have to learn all kinds of things just to get the pages up and actually working.
-I also was confused as to what the site was about. At first I thought the globe was just a test to see what people thought about it as a swf, then after clicking I saw a picture of a mermaid. I wasn’t exactly sure what the site was about. Maybe it was a site for your LARP (Live Action Role Playing) character? Maybe it was just a random picture from google that seemed cool?
-I think it would be better to make the site say from the start “Music” if that’s what it’s all about. Or if it’s about a world (as the globe kind of implies once you know what its about), then maybe there should be a nicely designed title above the globe reading “World of [insert world name here]”, or just something to imply what it’s about.

I’m interested in this project, and so I’ll be checking back to see if you need any help :D[/quote]

I don’t like to read a crap load of text

Me either ^^
Oh the irony :stuck_out_tongue:

>.> Whatever. I’m trying to be helpful.

I’ve gotten a lot of complaints that noone knows what it is but I think maybe they don’t wait for the content to load. They also don’t take the time to read the content. People also don’t seem to like to scroll down. I’m surprised I haven’t been sued for people breaking their wrists trying to get all the way down to the links at the bottom of the page. I can’t justify changing EVERYTHING to accomodate a person’s laziness.

If you want, from time to time I’ll throw around some ideas, fla’s, and swf’s. I think that’d definitely help.

While I understand your issue about people’s laziness (and I feel bad about myself now :(), that’s just how the majority of people are. Sadly, with most people if there’s no hook from the beginning, then they lose interest.

I’ll be looking through your site coming up with some ideas. I’ll post here or PM; whichever you prefer.

I’ve seen these kind of button-links around the internet. They’re nice and simple looking, and can be modified if something small is wrong (text rolls too slow/fast). I thought they were cool, so I threw one together.

Is the spinning of the globe just random? I couldnt find a sure way to control the ■■■■ thing.

Found this site, it’s very colorful. You might want to try to imagine a way that you could make your site have all of the colors you want, but still have a balanced layout like this.


Thanks so much for posting something on here that I can actually work with! Your genuine interest and advice is so much appreciated!

[quote=RonH;2327653]If you want, from time to time I’ll throw around some ideas, fla’s, and swf’s. I think that’d definitely help.

While I understand your issue about people’s laziness (and I feel bad about myself now :(), that’s just how the majority of people are. Sadly, with most people if there’s no hook from the beginning, then they lose interest.

I’ll be looking through your site coming up with some ideas. I’ll post here or PM; whichever you prefer.

I’ve seen these kind of button-links around the internet. They’re nice and simple looking, and can be modified if something small is wrong (text rolls too slow/fast). I thought they were cool, so I threw one together.[/quote]