My Wig


anyboy know if Chuck Norris wears a wig?

It doesn’t look like it, plus I doubt his hair has the balls to leave his head anyways.


maxtr0sity, you made my day:)
i don’t think he really does though. it looks like real hair

hahahaha… He could be bald and no one would dare tell him.

Like no way…

Thats what I thought, good one maxtr0sity that made me laugh and thats a rare treat for me. :hugegrin:

Miserable old bastard :sure: :wink:


that made me laugh too, so true. I never thought I would be old just miserable. :elderly:

cartoon network sealab did a cartoon the other night that was hilarious - it was like chuck norris versus the ninjas or something - it was all old school GI Joe animation and sound effects - Chuck was doing the voiceover and everything rofl.

(Max, that comment was hilarious)

:lol:@ fester