Here -
Please note that image shack resize the SWF larger than the original size.
I’m interested in what you think of my little message dialog? (it’s setup with a function so I can basically pop it up at any time I wish and slap some HTML formatted text inside ).
And a question or 2 aswell:
Any advice or links on drawing a little robot like character? I guess I need more ideas than anything (I’m not too great at drawing… lol) and can’t seem to get myself started on making the player and enemies properly (seen as I have an idea now, indicated by my rotating cog wheels and the colours of the message box :P).
Any help, comments etc appreciated.
Oh and don’t worry too much about the 3 enemies (well 3 diff types) 2 of them are still a bit buggy, I’m leaving this alone for now to work on some other aspects.