Hi. I’m very new to this so please speak slowly and loudly. I have each row in my DB labeled with an id #. There is a column called “id” and a single digit denoting that row. How can i pull the string from the url
and have it echo the content only from that row with the id of “2”?
Right now i have a database set up with one table for each section of the site I’m building. Each sub-section has an id# associated with it. So for example i have the first section “Company” and sections within “Company”: “Overview, Management, etc.”
“Company” is the first table and the subsections have the id#'s. ie. Overview id = 1, Management id = 2, etc. Ultimately i want to just have a url like:
which will echo the content for the Management row. I have everything working great, the DB, i know how to get the info from the DB to be on the PHP page in the browser and all that good stuff.
I know this is done all the time but would love to see an example that i can repurpose. I didn’t really know what to search for on the web to find a tutorial.