MySQL, PHP: sending multiple checkbox values

Hi all,

I can’t seem to work out how to insert multiple checkbox values into a mysql database with php.

As you know, check boxes are for selecting multiple options in the same group. I have a form with three checkboxes, but when I submit the form, only the bottom-most checked box value is inserted into the database.

How do I get them all the checked options in there?


show us your code and we can go from there.

This is the check box bit within the form:

<input type="checkBox" name="entry_type" value="homepage" id="homepage" checked>
          Homepage Announcement<br>
          <input type="checkBox" name="entry_type" value="investor" id="investor">
          Investor Announcement<br>
          <input type="checkBox" name="entry_type" value="customer" id="customer">

This is the php page:

<title>Your news entry has been inserted</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
require 'include.php';

$entry_date = $_POST["entry_date"]; 
$entry_title = $_POST["entry_title"]; 
$entry_summary = $_POST["entry_summary"]; 
$entry_body = $_POST["entry_body"];
$entry_type = $_POST["entry_type"]; 

$cid = mysql_connect($host,$username,$password);
if (!$cid) { print "ERROR: " . mysql_error() . "
"; }


$sql = " INSERT INTO itl_news";
$sql .= " (entry_date, entry_title, entry_summary, entry_body, entry_type) VALUES ";
$sql .= " ('$entry_date', '$entry_title','$entry_summary','$entry_body', '$entry_type') ";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $cid);
if (mysql_error()) { print "Database ERROR: $sql " . mysql_error(); } 

print "New Entry Added for <b>$entry_date</b> ($entry_type announcement).";



your best shot is to use <input name=“entry_type[]”>, i.e. to use an array.

I suggest you review the data you are recieving prior to using it.
Use print_r($_POST) to review all the data you are receiving and then decide how you are going to process the input.

[color=black]If I recall correctly you will be getting multiple $_POST[“entry_type”] data pairs and you need to process all of them. You may want to concantenate them with $entry_type .= $_POST[“entry_type”]; in a for loop or you may want to store each individually. Depends upon desire to do a look on the data and ease of displaying it.[/color]

Good suggestion. You won’t get multiple values if you don’t use entry_type as an array in the form though.

Thanks all for your help.

I used print_r($_POST) to see what I was sending, and it got me a little further. The data with multiple values prints like so:

…[entry_type] => Array ( [0] => homepage [1] => investor …

where I’ve checked the “homepage” checkbox and “investor” checkbox. Then the data that appears in the mysql table is “Array”, not “homepage” or “investor”.

So using my actionscript knowledge, I included a for loop in the sql query on the php page, so the page goes:

require 'include.php';

$entry_date = $_POST["entry_date"]; 
$entry_title = $_POST["entry_title"]; 
$entry_summary = $_POST["entry_summary"]; 
$entry_body = $_POST["entry_body"];
$entry_type = $_POST["entry_type"]; 


$cid = mysql_connect($DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass);
if (!$cid) { print "Error: " . mysql_error() . "
"; }


$sql = " INSERT INTO itl_news (";
	$sql .= "entry_date, "; 
	$sql .=	"entry_title, "; 
	$sql .=	"entry_summary, ";
	$sql .=	"entry_body, "; 
	$sql .=	"entry_type)";
	$sql .=	"VALUES ";
	$sql .= "('$entry_date', ";
	$sql .=	"'$entry_title', ";
	$sql .=	"'$entry_summary', ";
	$sql .=	"'$entry_body' ";
for($i = 0; $i <= 1; $i++)
	$sql .= " '$entry_type[$i]')";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $cid);

if (mysql_error()) { print "Database Error: $sql " . mysql_error(); } 

print "New Entry Added for <b>$entry_date</b> ($entry_type announcement).";



By the look of it, my application of the for loop is incorrect (as my printed data tells me) and it creates bad syntax in the sql query.

I just want to add a string of values to the entry_type column in the mysql table. Eg. “homepage investor” or “investor” or “homepage investor customer”.

Thanks so far for all your help.

if this is all going to the same table field you could easely use serialize()

$entry_type = serialize($_POST["entry_type"]); 

Hey thanks, that works. I had a quick look on for a string slice function but only found array_slice. So what’s the best way to get rid of the “s:8” (it’s the number of characters in the posted value)? It’s easiest in the end if my value just equals the value I gave the checkbox.

Thanks for your time.

dont get rid of it… when you retrieve it just unserialize() it :slight_smile: and off you go…

 $entry_type =unserialize($row['fieldname']);
 echo $entry_type;



Thanks heaps, got it sorted with that last one!