I’m trying to make a result shower in flash, and I need it to take some information from MySQL. I’ve got the SQL database and php script done for it.
Could be a problem with the php file though, but my guesses are that it’s the actionscripting.
It’s supposed to show 2 bars and percentage of the votes. Script for percentage and showing etc works, i’ve tested. It’s just that it can’t get the two values i want.
var receiver:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
statusText.text = "Loading vote data...";
receiver.onLoad = function(ok) {
if (ok) {
statusText.label = "";
for (var i = 1; i <= receiver.total; i++) {
receiver["dataPacket" + i] = receiver["vote_data" + (i)].split("|");
var _value1:Number = receiver["dataPacket" + i][0];
var _value1:Number = receiver["dataPacket" + i][1];
delete (receiver["vote_data" + i]);
_root.First = _value1;
_root.Second = _value2;
} else {
statusText.label = "Vote information was not found!";
The php codes won’t fit in, but my guess is that theres not any problems with them.