myXml.load() not calling onLoad

[edit: i had some problem in my xml file, and the variable i was sending to php was a string instead of an integer. so ignore the whole post right now, i’ll update the situation. thanks anyways though.]

i’ve 2 xml files. first one loads perfectly. 2nd is supposed to load when a function is called. i debugged it, and when i click the mc, it calls the function.
this function has basic procedure to open xml file, and read. here they are:

loadIt = function()
xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.onLoad = function(success)
//do the things...

NOW, i have the same thing for the FIRST file. but the names are different, EXCEPT success.

the line “xmlData.load(“filename”);” doesn’t call xmlData.onLoad at all. what’s wrong? :sigh:

i even tried this:

loadIt = function()
xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.onLoad = function(success)
//do the things...

as you can see, the onLoad function is inside loadIt function.

edit: also, if you run swf file (that parses xml data) more than once in a very short time, does it always give you “cannot load file” trace message? or does the file get parsed?