myXML Photo Gallery


I’ve run into a snag while using the XML image gallery @ as inspiration.
I have a series of thumbnail image buttons stored in an array:

    var thumbsArray:Array = ["thumbs_mc.thumb_01", "thumbs_mc.thumb_02", "thumbs_mc.thumb_03",                  "thumbs_mc.thumb_04"];//Would access to the buttons be a string?

Each Corresponds to an image stored in an array from an xml file

       imageArray* = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;

When a thumbNail* is released I need to call the function to move the viewer and load the corresponding imageArray* into the viewer


and place the corresponding image into the container clip and display the caption in the caption field:
following is the code I’ve created so far:

//Initializing Variables attaching frame
var galleryTimeline:Object = this;
//attaching the frame
var thumbsArray:Array = ["thumbs_mc.thumb_01", "thumbs_mc.thumb_02", "thumbs_mc.thumb_03", "thumbs_mc.thumb_04", "thumbs_mc.thumb_05", "thumbs_mc.thumb_06", "thumbs_mc.thumb_07", "thumbs_mc.thumb_08", "thumbs_mc.thumb_09", "thumbs_mc.thumb_10", "thumbs_mc.thumb_11", "thumbs_mc.thumb_12", "thumbs_mc.thumb_13", "thumbs_mc.thumb_14", "thumbs_mc.thumb_15", "thumbs_mc.thumb_16"];
//load an image
for(var i=0;i<thumbsArray.length;i++){
function attachFrame():Void {
    galleryTimeline.attachMovie("frame_mc", "f", 1);
    f._x = 404;
    f._y = 294;
//Control Functions
function loadXML(loaded):Void {
    //xml data here
    if (loaded) {
        var xmlNode:XMLNode = this.firstChild;
        var imageArray:Array = [];
        var captionsArray:Array = [];
        var total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
        for (var i = 0; i<total; i++) {
            imageArray* = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
            captionsArray* = xmlNode.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;

    } else {
        v.container_mc.test_txt.text = "file not loaded";
xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;
function moveViewer():Void {
    mx.transitions.TransitionManager.start(v, {type:mx.transitions.Fly, direction:0, duration:2, easing:mx.transitions.easing.Back.easeOut, startPoint:2, param2:empty});
function loadViewer():Void {
    galleryTimeline.attachMovie("viewer_mc", "v", 0);
    v._x = 150;
    v._y = 100;
    trace("Viewer Loaded");
    //disable focus of thumbs?
    //calling the createDisplayAndCaption function
function createDisplayMC():Void {
    v.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
    v.container_mc._x = 0;
    v.container_mc._y = 0;
    v.container_mc.createTextField("test_txt", 1, 0, 0, 200, 20);
    //omit after testing.
    v.container_mc.test_txt.border = true;
    v.container_mc.test_txt.text = "Display clip created";
    //omit after testing.
    //call create caption
function createCaptionMC():Void {
    v.container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("caption_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
    //place caption_mc
    var captionClip = v.container_mc.caption_mc;
    //shortcut to caption clip
    captionClip._x = 300;
    captionClip._y = 30;
    //create caption text field
    captionClip.createTextField("caption_txt", 2, 0, 0, 200, 20);
    //create caption styles.
    firstLetter = new textFormat();
    firstLetter.bold = true;
    captionClip.styles = new TextField.StyleSheet();
    captionClip.styles.setStyle("p", {fontFamily:'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', fontSize:'12px', color:'#000000'});
    var captionField = v.container_mc.caption_mc.caption_txt;
    //short cut to caption text field.
    captionField.wordWrap = true;
    captionField.multiline = true;
    captionField.autoSize = "left";
    captionField.html = true;
    captionField.styleSheet = v.container_mc.caption_mc.styles;
    captionField.htmlText = caption_text;
    captionField.setTextFormat(0, 1, firstLetter);
function closeViewer() {