N003 XML question

B4 you say it…I know I should already know this…but here goes…

How would I extract the data attribute from the following XML into an array?

<node label=“catagory1”>
<node label=“exibitor1” data=“1, 2, 3” />
<node label=“exhibitor2” data=“10, 20, 30” />
<node label=“catagory2”>
<node label=“exibitor3” data=“5, 7, 9” />
<node label=“exhibitor4” data=“100, 200, 300” />
<node label=“category3”>
<node label=“exibitor1” data=“1, 2, 3” />
<node label=“exhibitor4” data=“100, 200, 300” />

var newArray:Array = new Array();

array=node.attributes.data; ???
