N00b needs help with PHP Form Mailer

ok I followed Not2Sure’s PHP Form Mailer and got it to work and everything but now how do I send e-mails to anyone who has signed up? Also I’d like it to send an e-mail to their e-mail address when they sign up. Any help is appriciated. btw, I have no php expirence.

if you have one of your text fill which is for email addresses named as “Email”, then u can simply add another mailing line after the line that mails to you…

mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers);
mail($Email, $vistorsubject, $visitormsg, $visitorheaders);

make sure u declare these visitor variables too…if not ur visitor will get a blank mail…

to make something like a newsletter wher eu can send emails to all who had signed up, u can create a text file and then log emails into each line in the text file when visitors sign up.
when send, u use the array() function to help to get to each of the lines(which are the email addresses of course) and put it into a loop to send to all the emails.

*Originally posted by Digigamer *
**ok I followed Not2Sure’s PHP Form Mailer and got it to work and everything but now how do I send e-mails to anyone who has signed up? Also I’d like it to send an e-mail to their e-mail address when they sign up. Any help is appriciated. btw, I have no php expirence. **

did you like the tut, was it helpful :nerd:

*Originally posted by Not2Sure *
**did you like the tut, was it helpful :nerd: **

honestly i didn’t find it helpful at all :frowning: you don’t explain any of the major code

    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { 
        $msg .= ucfirst ($key) ." : ". $value . "
else {
    foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { 
        $msg .= ucfirst ($key) ." : ". $value . "

mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers); 
if ($forward == 1) { 
    header ("Location:$location"); 
else {

there’s no explanation, the only use the tutorial serves is to copy and paste.

not trashing your tute bro, just being honest

yes but i do say you need no experience in PHP to use it. it is just there so people can use it not make them a wiz kid in PHP…

think of the childern:smirk:

*Originally posted by Not2Sure *
**yes but i do say you need no experience in PHP to use it. it is just there so people can use it not make them a wiz kid in PHP…

think of the childern:smirk: **

lol no doubt man your right… but for people like me who like to learn, there’s not much to learn. maybe u can give me a lil private lesson for $300 an hour. lol i crack myself up…

nice job man, and please dont think i was being an *** or anything…

edit: lol lmao omg… think of the children… lol

*Originally posted by Digitalosophy *
think of the children

yeah i love that, from the simpsons thats what ned flanders wife alwas says

I followed the tutorial on how to make the PHP mailer perfectly and I can’t do it. After I paste in the text, then edit the specifications to my own fitting, and insert it into mailer.php and save it, then do I open up a new page and start posting the forms to fill the stuff up?