Name the State of the Union that

I’d have to guess Michigan. Michigan is the state with the city named Hell, so this park would be a perfect match :).

utah?? I had to guess so I can go look it up

:: hurries to yahoo ::


45 states left

Idaho maybe? They have hell’s canyon there so it’s fitting…ish

Idaho was spelled correctly. There are no hoes in Idaho. Except the ones we use on potoatoes.



The rain on the lens reminds me of home… odd as that may sound.

Phil I said Hawaii not Utah???


I got that where in the world on right too Phil. Just admit it, you’ve finally met your match. :mad:


I am no cheating scoundrel, good sir. My love for Thoriphes is completely irrelevant to the fact that I have, once again, matched your wits.

Your constant abuse has gone far enough, now kindly leave me alone, good day.

[edit]Rev, what does me wanting to get in her pants have to do with anything?[/edit]

Don’t call me Pal… I still don’t work for a living.

Got it dude?


Gotta bring in the mod powers.

Anywho, I can’t hide my true feelings any longer… I :love: you =)


San Fransisco, California


I judge that twictchy8 did not cheat. In his fleeing from the pitchforked man I’m sure he ran by the sign.

rev…i was at work when i saw the calvin and hobbes one …i had to bite my mouth to stop from roaring out loud LOL

*Originally posted by prstudio *
**rev…i was at work when i saw the calvin and hobbes one …i had to bite my mouth to stop from roaring out loud LOL **

Glad I could help!

one of the hazards of surfing Kforums from work…



Thank you for that ruling Nali.

Nana:P Phil