navigateToURL on Windows FF2 and IE7

Hi folks,

I have a problem in Flash CS3 using AS3 which is driving me nuts. What I am doing seems easy enough and it works fine on Macintosh under Firefox and Safari, but I can’t get it to work on Windows under Firefox 2 or IE 7.

I have a button on the stage with an animation that leads up to it’s reveal, hence the stop() function in the AS. The button is labelled “Web_btn” and the purpose is to open a web site when the user clicks on the button. Ideally I would like the button to open in a new window but I understand that that is a problem due to web blockers so I have chosen to use “_self” for now. On the Mac (OSX 10.5.8 and Flash 10) everything works as expected but on Windows (XP SP3 and Flash 10) when I click on the button nothing happens. Here is the code I am using:

// Initialize
function init()
	Web_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goURL);

// Go to web site
function goURL(e:MouseEvent)
	var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
	navigateToURL(request, "_self");


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Is there a way of opening the URL in a new window (_blank) despite the popup blockers? I am sure I will have additional questions but I’d like to get this working first at least.
