Navigation cue points and flv's

Has anyone successfully used navigation cue points with flv’s in actionscript 3?

I’ve created a swf template that (along with a number of other functions) plays dynamically selected flv’s (specified in the FlashVars in the html page it’s loaded in).

The flv’s have been encoded to include navigation cue points. My problem is that I now need to set up an area in this swf template that will display the cuepoint name with a link to send the flv to the time value of any flv that is displayed.

Is there a way to write an array that will detect and display the data in this way, or perhaps read a dynamically loaded xml file that contains the navigation cue point information?

Thanks for any help.

I haven’t done it… but it should be pretty easy if the cue points are already created.

This should get you started:

Welcome to the forum :wink:

BTW, when in doubt start with a search before asking.