Navigation issues

So I created a presentation that has a home, forward, and backward button for navigation.

My questions is, what AS do I use to load each external swf properly for the forward and backward sequence? So if I have one set of buttons in the main swf, i want them to flip through each external swf.

Any help is appreciated.:slight_smile:

on (release) {

First you have to create an empty movie clip to put the loadable in, then point to them both with the correct paths. You can also use this to load external jpegs into empty movieclips.

If you get stuck have a look in the as dictionary for ‘loadMovie’


sorry typin too fast, put a comma before movie_mc

Carlitio, thanks for your help. So how do you go forward and backwards without loading each specific external swf? In javascript, I can rely on history-1 or +1(or something like that.) I am looking to duplicate that.

Create an array that contains each movie you want to cycle through, then do something like:

arrayNumber = 0;
//forward button
forwardButton.onRelease = function() {

//back button
backButton.onRelease = function() {

This is exactly what I was looking for.

However, I am a little unfamiliar with creating arrays. Can you walk me through it?

A simpler way if you are shy of AS, you could line the empty movieclips up on the timeline and simply move the playhead with a gotoAndStop command, with a fresh set of buttons for each frame.