Navigation Problem... This Should Work?

Hey… i really need help with this… i can’t see why it doesn’t work… but it just doesn’t (but it’s hard to explain…)

ok… so you have 4 white boxes around the side… they are meant to go to the direction they are facing… so if you press the top box… you’re meant to look up… left… you look left and so on… that seems to work… but then… if you are looking in a different direction… the buttons stop working… i don’t know why…

i made the white boxes in a mc so that their instance names chance so on frame 1 the right box makes it go to frame 2 and then on frame 2 it tells it go to frame 3 etc… but only some of them work…

(just have a look at the nav movieclip and each white box… their instance names change on each frame… and then look at the code in the main timeline… it should work…)

in every direction all 4 buttons should still work to make you look at the direction you’re pressing… please help me

here is my .fla
