Navigator sucks?

okay, here is the scoop:

i have published my flash document to fit 100% horizontal and vertical, looks great in explorer, but in netscape navigator, (or firefox) it squishes all up to the top of the brower, anybody know anything about why netscape navigator does this to the html??? is the page i am reffering to, thanks

You’re not using valid HTML. That’s why.

You need to close your tags. You didn’t close your header tag, and you don’t even have a body tag…

oh, okay…i will give that a try, i guess explorer isn’t so picky eh?



Hey newhopekenny, i didn’t have to vectorize those pngs to get them to stop jittering, for some reason it worked once i pasted them into a new flash docment and published them, must have been some setting i messed up or something…thanks for you help all the same though

anyway, you say i don’t have <body> tags, but <body> tags are supposed to be replaced with <frameset> tags when using framesets aren’t they? i think i cleared up my html, i will check if it’s cool on navigator soon, my friend told me that navigator doesn’t like inset frames or something of that nature, like frames inside frames, is this true? and if so do i have them in the source at, (nevermind the cute comment at the start please ;))


yep, closing the head tag did it, golly…

make this a lesson to view your page in serveral browsers before calling it done.