Neato Particle Doo-dad Thing

Hi Flash peoples,

I was discussing the grooviness of particle systems in 3D with a buddy and then suddenly started whipping out this tiny little particle thingy in Flash. It turned into a wicked-cool class that allows you to pass in a custom particle MC. Particle lifetime, direction, velocity, gravity, bounciness, etc. are all passed into the particle class. I just give it a point to emit from and it does the rest. Late last night, I added the ability for them to spawn children to n number of generations (so that they don’t over-populate) (it’s the “Particles Split on Death” option on the sample page).

Here’s the sample page (this does not use the class I’m building, however):


Hope you enjoy it. I’m polishing the class and I’ve taken some cues from Maya’s particle settings, so it might become a really cool class.