Nectar Designs - Introduction

Alright, so I’m just starting to get into flash and it’s been a long dream of mine (2 years xD) to have my own little Design Studio to help pick up some extra cash and I just started on it today. :kir: Still a work in progress but this is what I got from working on it today.

I could use any critique or comments for improvement or what’s good etc.
Thanks for taking the time to look :slight_smile:
(The text blurs and I miss it sometimes when I first load the page so if you did then hit refresh if you’d like to see the blur and you should see it)

The only thing I see is an introductory animation, so I’m not sure what kind of critique you area looking for. Is there somewhere else I should be looking?

The only thing there is at the moment is the introduction animation. I suppose I should do a bit more work before asking for critique but this is my first actual project in Flash and since I’m hoping to use this to get some design jobs I’d like it to be perfect. :stuck_out_tongue: As far as critique I suppose I’m looking for stuff like how does the appearance look so far and for other things I can’t decide what to add after. More of an animation for the introduction or just go straight to the site etc. If that helps at all :3
Edit: And things like the overall quality of the animation and such I suppose.