Need a little help wih Action Script

this is the Action Script from “snowfall 1.0” on this ste!

I tried it with “Flash 8” and all seems to work well without that line in red!

i think it makes flakes to float around in MX, but in Flash 8, it dosn’t work.

can anyone please tell me, what else can i put there.

onClipEvent (load) {
 //specifies the size of the movie stage
 movieWidth = 300;
 movieHeight = 200;
 //variables that will modify the falling snow
 i = 1+Math.random()*2;
 k = -Math.PI+Math.random()*Math.PI;
 //giving each snowflake unique characteristics
 this._xscale = this._yscale=50+Math.random()*100;
 this._alpha = 75+Math.random()*100;
 this._x = -10+Math.random()*movieWidth;
 this._y = -10+Math.random()*movieHeight;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
 //putting it all together
[COLOR=red]rad += (k/180)*Math.PI;[/COLOR]
 this._x -= Math.cos(rad);
 this._y += i;
 if (this._y>=movieHeight) {
  this._y = -5;
 if ((this._x>=movieWidth) || (this._x<=0)) {
  this._x = -10+Math.random()*movieWidth;
  this._y = -5;

Thank You.