Need advice - To call, or not to call external SWF

Greetings :rich:

I want to know what the best route is for this scenario. I have a very large game I have been creating, and it takes up some serious processing power, plus it probably doesn’t garbage collect like it should (still gotta find every single object to remove, later before its released). Anyway, want to know what would be a better method. To have everything wrapped up into one SWF, or call SWF’s within the game, like when I goto a new level calling on a new SWF?

Of course, I Would do my best to garbage collect anyway, but want to know if it would make a huge improvement, calling upon multiple SWF’s (1 per level) rather than having them all wrapped up into one?

Thanks as always!

note I know that AS3 auto garbage collects, but I am referring to just removing everything from memory so they not being referenced anymore.