Need artists to form a team for a web design studio


I need individuals for a web design studio. Expertise in individual fields appreciated. Age no bar, race no bar. I am not looking for high end designers but dedicated and aspiring people who want to standout. Experience not necessary if you are talented. I am a designer myself and can help you out. I need people good in Logos and flash to start off. Pay will be according to projects bagged. Its a dream of standing out in the crowd. If you think you are ready for it send a e-mail( or reply to the post with some examples of your work. Commited freelancers looking for partners are welcome too.

This is yet a concept and suggestions are welcomed.

A note: I am not outsourcing projects out here. So dont contact me assuming i am providing work. Also I am not looking for work from u’ll. Its a studio concept for which I need individuals who r interested in doing some work worth being proud off as well as make some money and earn fame. As I said before it is still a concept and only people serious about it can discuss the plans. There is no immediate money out here so be sure. Its like starting ur own business.