[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Hi All,
Apologies if this is posted in the wrong section, also did a search but couldn’t really get my answer.
Ok so this is starting to drive me crazy. I have a form with 5 mandatory fields and 2 of which are combo boxes.
My problem is I can’t get the required fields to work, the form works perfectly fine and goes to the form success frame and sends out all the information in the fields (even if they are left blank)
I am on AS2.0. The registration form is a movie clip itself with the send button on the same level and not inside the movie clip.
“theCat_registration” & “theTSize_registration” are the combo boxes. [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]This is the AS in my send button[/FONT]
on (release) {
if (theName_registration == "" || theContact_registration == "" || theNric_registration == "" || theCat_registration == "" || theTSize_registration == "") {
else {
form.theTSize_registration = form.theTSize_registration.getValue();
form.theCat_registration = form.theCat_registration.getValue();
form.loadVariables("registrationform.php", "POST");
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Hope someone will be able to point me in the right direction!, Thanks in advance![/FONT]