Need assistence with "dynamic" pathing

Need assistence with “dynamic” pathing
(Okay my english isn’t that good, and certainly not when it concerns computer terms, so forgive me if my title was misleading)

I encountered a problem in my flash file.
What I want to do is, use a For-Loop to set the size for up to 10 different Movie clips at the same time? How Do I do this?

This piece of code used to work for me:

for (i=0; i < (_root.bars+1); i++) {
setProperty("/bar"+i, _width, 16.6);

Where the movie clips were named: bar1 bar2 bar3…bar10
But I made some adjustments, the movie clips are now no longer directly on stage, but rather inside another movie clip with the isntance name of “mm”

note: _root.bars refers to a variable called bars which I made in the first frame of the swf file to contain numbers for me (When it is made, I gave it the value of 3), a frame where the movieclip called mm isn’t on stage yet. At first it worked, but maybe this causes the error now that I made some adjustments.

I tried:

for (i=0; i < (_root.bars+1); i++) {
setProperty(, _width, 16.6);

But it doesn’t work. I’m not a AS genius, I use it in my freetime and I have only recently started using it, so I don’t know alot.

Can anyone please help me with this isue?