Need Flash 8 Special Effects/Graphic Artist(s)


I’m in need of a Flash 8 special effects artist to do a few small jobs (paid and credited) for a Flash game project. Basic and generic special effects such as explosions, breaking glass, fires, and everything you can imagine happening with bullets. The special effects should be in the form of Movie Clip and should take the least amount of processing power (i.e. they shouldn’t cause lag) as possible.

Right now I’m specifically in need of a rocket explosion effect. Basically it’s a bomb explosion. I also need a “dust kick” effect, like when a big bullet hits sand. Special effects will be paid individually (depending on quality, lenght, detail, etc). There is no competition and no time limit, multiple submissions may be accepted and bought, so don’t shy away from submitting your creation.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I am also looking for graphic artist and animators! I need somebody to draw and animate army characters, each no bigger than 200x200 pixels. I mainly need infantry characters, since I am no good at drawing human characters. All submissions will be considered!

For details or submissions contact me!