Need help adding dynamic getURL to video gallery

I’m relatively new to flash/actionscript, so it’s been quite the learning curve to try and change around the complex [COLOR=DarkOrange]flash video gallery[/COLOR] sourcecode into a smaller project (if interested, you can download the zip file [COLOR=SandyBrown][URL=“”]here[/COLOR]). I’ve been stalled out as I’ve tried to get dynamic links incorporated into my project

Basically, I want a 3X3 set of preloaded thumbnails videos which expand and play on rollover. Then I want to set the thumbnails to link (onrelease) to respective links via XML stored URLs.

By working with the video gallery code, I’ve managed to get the thumbnails arranged and playing as I’d hoped. However, I have had absolutely no luck getting the links to work.

I’ve tried, with no success, to figure out the steps I need to take to pass XML-stored urls to a getURL in an onRelease function. This has been complicated by the way the video gallery was developed with seperate .as files (since the onRelease command is part of a seperate class, and Flash’s actionscript error reporter won’t let me load XML data into a class for reasons I’m not knowledgable enough to apprciate yet).

Can anyone help me make my getURL command correctly reference the urls in the top-level XML document called content.xml? (the “getURL” is located in teh videogallery\com\macromedia\flashvideogallery code, part of the onRelease function)