Need help building a band's website

I can never tell if a design of mine is good. Here is what ive got so far: . If anyone can help me with the design and give me some ideas and tips, that would be great.

EDIT: scroll down to see all of my modifications

I agree with BWH2 about the colors and the font, if you want to stick with color scheme you have, maybe add some orange b/c it will add nice contrast against the blue/grey. Maybe make ur rollovers or text that color plus the orange against the dark blue with the right font maybe a nice contrast. Other than it looks good so far, keep us updated with ur corrections, love to see them =)


thanks, ill work on it tomorrow night

heres what i got after your suggestions:

*Originally posted by toille *
**heres what i got after your suggestions: **

now that looks like a band’s site :wink: keep working on it, i like the concept

thanks. but something about it isnt good. ill be in the city all day so when i come home ill try to finish.

definitely looks a lot better. maybe you think the problem is that the white content boxes in the middle are basically the same color as the background. instead of using white with that opacity, try black. good job though on the new design. <–click to enter (sorry for posting so often)