Need Help Choosing Phone!

I’ve got service with Verizon and am currently EXTREMLY dissapointed with my current Moto T720C phone. The power connection to charge the phone is bad (on ALL of the model, not just my one phone). I guess everything had the same problem. Basically I can only make about 5 calls a day and it is dead by 5:00pm.

SO, I’ve narrowed my choice down to two. The largest reason for the choices was the price. I’m looking to spend around $100.

Motorola E815 ($99.99)
Samsung SCH-n330 ($69.99)

Here is a compare chart!

The base things I want are:
Speakerphone (good volume)
Color Screen

The moto seems like a sweet choice for media and stuff. But I won’t be paying for picture msg and all that. But I guess you can use the removable card and download them to your computer.

If anyone has either phone, please let me know what you think. Or if you have any other suggestions.