Need help creating a news system

Hi all,
I need some help with some ideas i have.

I need to Create a news system that can be modified by someone who does not know HTML.
So i need to create an external table where he can just add edit and delete data there.

This is what i needed to do.
at the main page there are a number of titles.
when a person clicks on the title, it gives him a more detailed description of that either
in a new page or a box on the same page.

at first i was thinking about XML but then i realized that i cannot make a like ie i cannot
click on the title on the main page and go to a new page,.

Can someone tell me whether its possible to create something like this by using simple languages like
XML,HTML,JS etc or do i have to go into complicated ASP?

Thanx for and help!

( sorry about reposting. dont know where it belongs)