Need help.! flash login form need help

i would like to know how can i translate this form from html to flash. its a login password form and i want to be able to acces my account from my website, it works fine in html format but i want to do it in flash. any help would be greatley appreciated… here´s the code in html, i´ve tried a few actionscripts but it doesnt seem to work.

method=post enctype=x-www-form-urlencoded name=login target="_blank" onSubmit=“return submitForm(this);”>
<TABLE width=“480” height=“0” border=“0” align=“center” cellpadding=“0” cellspacing=“0”>
<TD valign=“top”><div align=“center”>
<INPUT type=hidden
value=“my account” name=p_appname>
<input type=hidden
value=english name=p_formlang>
<input type=hidden value=login
<input type=hidden value=200 name=p_nic>
<img src=“images/un_acct.gif” width=“79” height=“19”>
<input class=plaintext maxlength=12 size=10
<img src="/images/password_pin.gif" width=“69” height=“10”>
<input class=plaintext type=password
maxlength=12 size=10 name=p_pin>
<INPUT name=“image” type=“image” src="/images/go.gif" align=“middle” width=“29” height=“17”>