Need Help in Kirupa's Tutorial

in Blend/WPF category, i gone thru the tutorial:
[COLOR=#810081]Silverlight XAPs and Web Site Projects[/COLOR] (

but at last step, in my vs project window, the option “Link to an existing silverlight project” is disabled. There is only one enabled option “Create a new Silverlight project”.

Please help.

(Screenshot is attached)

Screenshot, a little bit clear :slight_smile:

lol… all those who do silver light please stand up… crickets

You’ll have to wait for Kirupa for this one :stuck_out_tongue:

^ :lol:

I should probably put “Learn Silverlight” on my massive to-do list.
If Kirupa’s doing it, it must be hip.

[quote=randomagain;2358314]lol… all those who do silver light please stand up… crickets

You’ll have to wait for Kirupa for this one :P[/quote]

Kirupa, kindly have a look…

Silverlight ewww ^^

Good luck :smiley:
